Spiritual articles

He will not abandon you

Maybe that’s the real title, no matter that it almost resembles as a diary: however, it is not because the events are arranged in chronological order. When an event has occurred that prompted me to think. I realized that it all started a few years earlier. At (Više…)

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Following Jesus Example

Second Thessalonians 3:5:

’’ And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ’’

Many of people those do pray, finishing their prayer with simple thanks for the elapsed time and the request for the next day, are quietly and contentedly falling asleep: in the belief that they carried out their Christian duty, assume that they see the pleasure in the sight of God….

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Denn viele sind berufen Aber wenige sind auserwählt

In jeder Predig die sich auf dieses Thema bezieht kann man hören dass alle berufen sind, aber nur eine kleine Zahl ist auserwählt. Man versucht es zu erklären dass sich, obwohl alle berufen sind nur jene auserwählt sind die, die Folge leisten der Berufung Christi. Meistens denkt man dass der Berufung Christi Folge leisten heist in die Kirche, oder Gemeinde zu gehen, glauben und getauft zu zein.

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The precious pearl

Jesus said: ‘’Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.’’ (Mathew 13:45+46). I’m thinking what did Jesus, vent to warn us with these? In my mind I compare merchant with a man who insists to find a value to add bigger and stronger sense of his life.

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Small before God, but big in his eyes

Heda Domitrovic Not a small number of those who feel inferior and therefore useless. Once you realize that the feeling of inferiority leads to not only physical but also mental illness, we see that this feeling is very devastating for those who overtake. Let us recall the (Više…)

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